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Do Video Games Make Kids Violent?

Do Video Games Make Kids Violent? There is no simple answer to this question. While some studies suggest that there is a correlation between playing violent video games and aggressive behavior, it is far from clear whether this is cause and effect. It is worth noting that the vast majority of people who play video games do not become violent.

What does the research say?

Mixed research has been done on aggressive behavior and video games in children. Some studies have not shown increased aggression among children who play violent games. However, some studies show violent video games can hurt a child’s well-being.

The Swinburne University of Technology conducted a 2007 study and found that some children become more aggressive than others. Most children did not experience any change in their anger levels.

An analysis of video games and aggression in children found that they only cause attacks in certain personalities. For example, children who had high levels of neuroticism but low levels of conscientiousness tended to be more aggressive after playing violent video games.

An analysis from 2011 found that aggressive children tend to play more violent video games. Researchers found no evidence of aggression in violent video games.

The Center for European Economic Research conducted a 2011 study and found that violent video games can encourage aggressive behavior but could decrease crime. Research suggests that children who play video games more often are less likely to be involved in antisocial activities.

Do Video Games Make Kids Violent?

1. Falsely Associated With Violence

You know that media, politicians and moms blame violent video games for the violence in our society. It’s easy to understand why video games are so popular among youth, with 73% playing them from two. Although these accusations are based on concern for safety and love, I believe we have our sights set wrongly.

Inaccurate Claims

In most cases, violent video games are associated with aggression somehow. A study of undergraduate students from the University of Queensland, Australia, found no effect of violent video games on social behavior. Participants were more likely “to engage in spontaneous, unrequested help behavior”.

A Guardian article recently stated that numerous studies on violent video games and youth aggression were reanalyzed. These studies range from 2008 to the present. Numerous studies have shown that video games do not make people more aggressive but more friendly. Scientifically violent video games are scientifically dissociated from aggression.

Crime Rates vs. Video Game Numbers

Violent people are often linked to crime. Christopher J. Ferguson, a frequent researcher on violent video games, has found that youth violence has dropped sharply as video games become more popular over the past decades. This shows “a mismatch between public fear of violent video gaming and actual trends in youth violence.” If violent video games are responsible for socially aggressive actions, why haven’t global crimes risen with the expanding video game market?

Newzoo, an analytics company specializing in gaming, has found South Korea and Japan consume far more video games than America. However, both countries have lower crime and homicide rates than America. As violence and acts of aggression increase in America, violent games can be added to possible culprits. The search for the correct answer to the question “Who’s fault it?” progresses toward the correct conclusion.

Falsely Associated With Violence

2. Gun Violence Scapegoat

Gun violence is a significant problem, especially in America. It is easy to see the stark contrast between real-life gun violence and video game gun violence. However, violent video games are not the problem. This has been proved true by numerous scientific studies.

Easy Target

Video games are easy targets, often subject to gun violence. Patrick Markey, a researcher psychologist at Villanova University and an author, says that targeting a boogeyman who doesn’t have much political power is sensible. If you are a politician who wants to appear like you’re doing something… it’s much easier to fight against video games than if they have the political backing of the NRA, which might make it more difficult. Since there’s no group of gamers that can fight back against allegations of political bias, violent video games are the most convincing bad guys for society.

The funny thing is that a Chicago Lawmaker tried to pass a bill banning violent video games due to an increase in carjackings last week. Katherine Kelly (a fierce video game researcher) jokes that new research has shown that Grand Theft Auto V will not make players car-jacking drug dealers. If violent video games were directly linked to violent acts, there would be an explosion of adolescent teens stealing cars and engaging in shootouts.

Increased Morality

It has been proven that violent video games can increase mortality, even though they make people more aggressive and decrease violence in most cases. Matthew Grizzard and other media psychologists at the University at Buffalo found that violent video games may not lead players to be less moral. Instead, they may cause them to have a greater moral sensitivity. As it does in real life, this may encourage players to take voluntary actions that benefit others, just like the University of Queensland study.

While visiting my mom, her niece’s boyfriend was playing Fortnite and Predator Hunting Grounds. Both are pretty violent games. I was curious and asked them both, “Does killing people in these games make people want to kill people in actual life?” They immediately responded, horrified. It is clear that the violence displayed on modern television, movies, and video games doesn’t make people violent killers, but it helps to distinguish right from wrong clearly.

3. Increased cognitive skills

The violent video game that makes violent people debate is over. Now, let’s see how video games can benefit us. Video games can also help us improve our morality and cognitive abilities.

More Intelligent & Better Students

People who play video games are more intelligent than those who don’t. According to the School Children Mental Health Europe Project, 3000 children in six European countries with high levels of video gaming (playing more than 5 hours per week) were found to have higher intellectual functioning, more extraordinary academic achievement, and lower peer problems.

Healthygamer. Gg also lists dozens of scientific studies showing positive cognitive skills such as attention, memory and learning, problem-solving, spatial awareness, decision making, and even engagement. Students who find a healthy outlet, such as joining an esports team or simply escaping into a videogame for a few minutes, do better academically. Although excesses of anything can cause problems, it’s time to end the old saying that “video games will ruin your brain”.

Brain Exercise

Video games are a great way to exercise your brain. They are cleverly disguised in rich worlds and fun objectives. Six South Korean researchers found that video games can improve cognitive functions by presenting information differently. They are “better than conventional teaching methods,” according to a survey. Video games can teach the brain in different ways than movies and tv.

Video games are also popular because they offer mental breaks. According to thirteen video game studies, casual games may be able to treat anxiety, depression, stress, low mood, and stress. While video games cannot replace medical attention, they can offer your brain a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

How to set healthy limits

How to set healthy limits

Reduced exposure to violent material may help your child if he exhibits aggressive behavior. Even if your child doesn’t display any aggression, it is important to watch his video gaming. Your child may become more sensitive to violence if you watch them.

Remember that children’s media consumption is not limited to how much screen time they have but the quality of what they consume. Here are some tips to help you set healthy limits for video games.

1. Keep an eye on what your child is doing.

It would help if you were very careful about what websites your child uses to play online games. Only use kid-friendly websites. It is important to know what games your child uses on his gaming system.

2. Pay attention to ratings for apps and video games.

Do not allow your child to play violent or graphic games.

3. Play with your child.

You can learn a lot about your child’s gaming habits by playing games together. Discuss any negative messages that a particular game might be sending to your child and be a role model.

4. Limit screen time for your child.

Your child’s mental and physical health can be seriously affected if they spend countless hours at a gaming console or computer monitor. Even if the games are not violent, set reasonable limits for screen time.

5. You might consider a digital detox now and again.

Make sure to set aside some time each week to unplug all your digital devices. A digital detox can help improve your child’s mental health and behavior for one weekend per month or several weeks each quarter.

So what’s the verdict?

Anderson, the director of the Center for the Study of Violence at Iowa State and Christopher Ferguson of Stetson University, has done meta-analyses to examine the vast amount of data available on the psychological effects of video games. These meta-analyses combine data from many papers to identify general trends.

This is a chicken-and-egg question: Do violent video games cause aggression? Or are children more prone to attack later in their lives playing violent video games? Anderson believes in the General Aggression Model. This states that short-term aggression caused by video games can spread to other areas of your life. Ferguson thinks the Catalyst Model is better. This model says that video games activate pre-existing aggression tendencies due to biology, personality and the environment in which they are played.

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