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EATX vs ATX Motherboards: What Is Better?

In the ever-evolving world of computer hardware, the choice of form factor is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact the overall functionality and aesthetics of your system.

Two of the most popular form factors dominating the market are Extended ATX (EATX) and Advanced Technology Extended (ATX). Both come with their unique set of advantages and cater to different needs of PC enthusiasts.

In this article, Glitchmind delves into the realm of EATX vs ATX, exploring their differences, benefits, and helping you make an informed decision for your next PC build.

What is ATX?

So, ATX – it stands for Advanced Technology eXtended, and it’s like the blueprint or map that tells you where all the bits and pieces on your computer’s motherboard go.

It’s been around since 1995 when a smart company called Intel introduced it. Before ATX, there was AT, but that was a bit like an old treasure map – it didn’t quite lead to the treasure.

ATX was a big step forward. It was like getting a brand-new, detailed map that made it much easier to find the treasure. But, there was a problem – the map made the parts fit together in a way that made things a bit too hot! So Intel decided to draw up a new map called BTX in 2004.

But guess what? People loved their ATX map. They didn’t want to switch to the new BTX map, and since BTX was pricier, folks stuck with their ATX maps. It’s a bit like if your favorite board game brought out a new version – why switch when you love the original, right?

Now, there are a few different sizes of ATX maps. There’s the full-size ATX, which is about the size of a pizza box, the smaller Micro-ATX, which is the size of a board game box, and then there’s the super-sized EATX, which is the size of a poster board.

So, ATX is pretty cool – it’s got lots of room to add new bits, like extra toppings on your pizza, and you can pick from loads of stylish cases, which are like the box your pizza comes in.

But it’s not perfect. It’s a bit bulky and can get hot because of how all the parts are arranged. Plus, it can be a bit pricey. But for computer-building champs, ATX is the way to go!

What is EATX?

EATX stands for Extended ATX and it’s like the big boss among all ATX types – totally created to build super-duper powerful PCs. Because it’s like the biggest pizza you’ve ever seen, it’s got a ton of room for all the awesome computer bits and bobs you might need. Plus, its big size helps it stay cool and perform super well, just like a superhero!

The EATX is the go-to choice for super gamers or pros who need loads of power for stuff like graphic design or video editing. But just like a real superhero costume, it comes with a hefty price tag.


  • It’s got mega memory space – like a ginormous toy box for all your digital goodies!
  • More slots for your GPUs (those are the magic wands that make your games look super cool).
  • The big size helps keep your PC super cool and super fast, just like Flash!


  • You’re gonna need a lot of pocket money saved up, ’cause it’s pretty expensive.
  • For casual gamers or hobbyist editors, the EATX might be overkill. It’s like bringing a monster truck to a bike race.
  • Its big size and hefty features might be a bit too much for many folks, like wearing a superhero cape just to go to the supermarket.
  • So, in a nutshell, EATX is the superhero of motherboards – perfect for those who want super gaming or work powers, as long as you’re ready for that superhero price tag!

EATX vs. ATX Motherboards


When we’re talking about ATX and EATX, we’re talking about two types of motherboards. A motherboard is like the heart of a computer, it’s a big circuit board that connects all the other parts of your computer together.

ATX is a type of motherboard that’s 12 inches by 9.6 inches (that’s about as long as a ruler and almost as wide as a piece of paper). EATX is a bigger kind of motherboard that’s 12 inches by 13 inches (that’s as long as a ruler and a little more than the width of a piece of paper).

EATX motherboards are like big playgrounds where you can put a lot of computer parts. These are good for things like servers, which are computers that have to do a lot of work and need a lot of parts to do it. They can also be good for gaming computers that need a lot of power and have more than one graphics card.

But remember, bigger isn’t always better! EATX motherboards need a bigger computer case to fit in. So, if you want a small and neat computer, an ATX motherboard might be better for you.

Also, even though bigger motherboards like EATX have more room and can help keep things cooler, you still need to make sure your computer has good airflow. This means making sure air can get in and out of your computer case easily so that your computer parts don’t get too hot.

In the end, whether you choose an ATX or an EATX depends on what you want to do with your computer and where you want to put it!


Imagine your motherboard is like a playground. The bigger your playground, the more space you have to play, right? ATX and EATX are two different sizes of “playgrounds” for your computer parts.

ATX, which is smaller, is like a regular playground. It has enough space for all your usual fun stuff. For example, it usually has 3-4 spaces, we call them PCIe slots, where you can add things like a graphics card, which helps your computer show cool graphics for your games or videos. It also has about 4 spaces for RAM, which is your computer’s “brainpower” that helps it think and do things faster.

Now, EATX is like a super big playground. It’s bigger, so it has more room for more cool stuff. It usually has 4 to 8 spaces for PCIe cards. That means you could have more than one graphics card, or add other cool things like a card to help capture videos. EATX also has more spaces for RAM, usually around 6 or 8. That means your computer could potentially think even faster!

But remember, just like a big playground needs a big space to fit in, an EATX needs a big computer case. Also, even if you have a big playground, you can’t always bring all your toys. The amount of RAM you can use depends on what your playground (motherboard) and your best friend (the CPU) can support.

So if you want to add lots of cool stuff to your computer, an EATX might be just the thing. But if you want a neat and compact computer, ATX will work just fine too!


EATX motherboards are like the super stretch limos of computer parts. With that extra room, you get more places to plug in hard drives and SSDs (those are the computer parts that store all your stuff). It’s like having the biggest toy chest in the neighborhood!

More room also means more ports for your SATA drives, giving you the power to create a humongous storage place. If you’re into hoarding files like a digital squirrel, then EATX is the way to go.

But that’s not all! EATX motherboards also usually have more RAM slots (where your PC’s brain cells go) and PCI-E lanes (those are the highways your graphics cards travel on).

More RAM slots mean your computer can remember more stuff. And more PCI-E lanes mean you can add even more super-powerful graphics cards. Imagine being able to draw a whole 3D city with no problem!

If you’re into high-resolution video editing or fancy computer-assisted design, having more GPUs will make your life a lot easier. It’s like having extra pencils when you’re sketching!

Plus, the best EATX motherboards also have room for up to four M.2 slots for NVMe SSDs (those are the super-fast hard drives). While normal SATA SSDs are like speedy bikes, NVMe SSDs are like jet planes. They’re super fast and can read and write data way quicker because they have more room to zoom around.

So, if you want a performance powerhouse, EATX can give your PC the boost it needs. It’s like having a sports car engine in your computer!


You see two robot action figures – one is a standard size, and the other is a super-sized figure. The super-sized robot has more features and gadgets, but it’s also more expensive. The same goes for ATX and EATX motherboards.

The ATX motherboard is like the standard size robot. It’s not as big, but it does everything you need and it’s less expensive. The EATX motherboard is like the super-sized robot. It has more features and can do more cool stuff, but it also costs more.

Sometimes, you might find a super-sized robot that costs less than a standard size one because it’s on sale or has fewer features. Similarly, you might find an EATX motherboard that’s cheaper than an ATX one, but usually, the bigger EATX boards are more expensive.

Also, remember, if you buy a super-sized robot, you might need a bigger shelf to put it on. Same way, if you buy an EATX motherboard, you’ll need a bigger computer case to fit it in. So don’t forget to count that in your budget too!

So, in the end, choosing between an ATX and an EATX motherboard is like choosing between robot action figures. You have to think about what features you want, how much you want to spend, and where you’re going to put it.

Which Motherboard Should You Get?

Choosing between ATX and EATX is kinda like choosing between two types of awesome toy boxes. The ATX is a great-sized toy box where you can fit a lot of your favorite toys, while the EATX is an even bigger box, where you can stash a ton more toys.

If you’re building a super gaming computer (which I’ll call our “computer game-changer”), the ATX is often plenty big. Even if you’re aiming for the stars with a beast of a graphics card like the RTX 4090, the ATX box has room for it.

It’s also got space for heaps of RAM, up to 128GB in fact, which is like the brainpower for our computer game-changer. For most gamers, that’s more than enough to have any game running smoothly and looking fabulous.

But, what if you’re doing mega, superhero-type stuff? Maybe you’re creating mind-blowing animations, simulating the mysteries of the universe, or other super-power tasks.

Well, that’s when you might need the extra-large EATX toy box. It can hold even more RAM (up to a whopping 256GB) and extra graphics cards to give your computer the super speed it needs.

However, even if you only have the ATX box, you can still make sure your computer game-changer stays cool and works great. There are plenty of ways to improve airflow and keep things running just right.

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